Did you guys just transcribe your bitch-fest? Fun.
Did you guys just transcribe your bitch-fest? Fun.
Hmm. It’s either Brock, or someone wanted to put a little easter egg in there and might find himself sued. That tattoo is copyrighted.
In August or September it'll get delayed to mid November. It will release with a large day one patch and there will be tons of issues and glitches. Five updates later in February it might be playable.
zero in game footage. Is this even making it out this year?
Punch out? Hooray!
Yeah, that’s not until next week.
I want a Batman: Arkham style game set on the Death Star.
This. All the props to Jeremy Renner. That was awesome.
And now, a timeline of future events.
I’m not convinced that this game was ever in actual development. What a crock it is that they went through the trouble of making a demo that everyone got nuts about. We never saw frame 1 of this game.
That’s cool. Everyone’s different I guess.
Please be excited for summer 2016, when Final Fantasy XV will probably get delayed again.
Good luck saying that you’ll “never” have something again. Doing that to yourself just makes you want it more, and eventually you break down.
I think it’s worth noting this studio’s pedigree: http://www.ign.com/companies/vici…
“You don’t start off a gritty tale of revenge with the best birthday party ever.”
Great story.
Brilliant, love it.
hahahahahahaha. thats funny.