
clay and dirt”

No buy.

This is a profoundly self-centered person who just can't accept that the world does not revolve around him. Hopefully with time and therapy he'll figure it out. Then he can go on and have a real, mature relationship.

Square Enix: “Three Day Reveal”

It sounds more like they're putting everything under the company name and taking away the individuality of not just Metal Gear (which is defined as Kojima, not Konami), but all of their projects.

I think this is just a cultural difference in storytelling style.

Love the use of "teleconference," that's awesome.

Nope, already said it. Batman wins. The rule holds!

I'm Batman. I win.

daaaa Bats!

Trick question, Batman is God!

Batman vs. Bane? Batman loses, then wins (even with a broken back).

That other video was straight BS. Batman always wins. Always.

Wonderful, it's big. Is it ever going to release?

Meanwhile, @PlayStation remains silent on #psplus for March 2015. No one is reporting on it. What's going on?

Heh, I noticed the rings too but I didn't want to say anything. Suppose that was his thing? I guess it's none of my business.

This headline made me think I was about to see something else.

I think the problem would be that the amount of money it would take to make the kind of system that Sony wanted to make - something that could play console level games - would demand a price that consumers don't seem willing to part with.