Donald Trump's Tiny, Flaccid Penis

Cry me a fucking river. This is going to happen more and more as men in traditionally overwhelmingly male industries, where they’ve been free to talk over and dismiss their colleagues, look around and notice more women running about, giving orders, getting ahead, and being taken seriously. Suck it up. Equality feels

ME TOO!!! Keep going down in flames and being all flustered please.

Guys I’m at city hall waiting to vote right now! I’m so overcome with joy to be able to cast my vote not only for our first female president but a kick ass human being.

She then said, “I don’t mean I’m forbidding Jeb, I just mean he’s completely useless.”

TF is wrong with you. She looks beautiful.

police have killed 68 people since kaepernick started his protest against brutality. that’s over 3 people a day.

The police response was to be ready with RIOT GEAR? Fuck them.

I knew it would happen eventually, too, and I’m surprised it lasted this long. Their smugness about the relationship was grating.

“I am very saddened by this, but what matters most now is the well-being of our kids,” he said in the statement. “I kindly ask the press to give them the space they deserve during this challenging time.”

man you just see right through all my bullshit. you are really insightful. thank you for being here.

If it had been Selina Meyer, Gary would have been all over this.

If Republicans would work with Democrats once in a while, maybe he would be able to recognize them.

not only that you have the most accomplished women of her generation who overall is pretty politically progressive running against a bigoted clown but you have people who think the two are just as bad and that they have to pick between two bad choices—like how is this choice not obvious to any decent person?

THIS. If Hillary (whether you like her or not she is the most accomplished, qualified candidate (period, not just female candidate) we’ve had in quite some time) can’t beat Trump then I have to wonder a few things (will we EVER see a woman become president? Wtf is wrong with our country? Do I need to buy some snow

This is just sad, and so unnecessary. Students always have access to community colleges, which are real institutes of higher learning, and are a wonderful bargain for students. If you’re thinking about signing up at a for-profit, check out your local community college first.

Regardless, he’s so indiscreet that I can’t figure out why she doesn’t leave him for not learning that lesson. It’s one thing to be open. It’s another to be a liability. Also, sending a dick pic with your child in the frame is fucked up beyond measure.


it must suck to be so alone.

Found the never-nude.

“This is not something that I am going to run by anybody,” he said. “I am not looking for approval. I have to stand up for people that are oppressed. ... If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right.”