Jesus Christ

You don't get it?? Or you don't want to. The person who originally started this convo pretty much dismiss my post by implying since there is no Nyesha, my post pretty much pointless. Then within that context, you piled on to it. Saying stuffs like season 9 is better than season 11 like it is a fact.

So boil down to it, you argue for potential and denying record. Sure, that one James Beard nominee dude outed by episode 1 of season 7, he could have win the whole thing. So now, how do you back that season 9 is stronger than season 11 overall??

Well, all I know is that Beverly beats her twice when it comes down to it. If you neglect one, there was that one episode on the chili episode, where Beverly beats her again. If you didn't read my original post, then how the hell do you know in which context I am taking about??? Do you usually cut in the middle of

Nope, let me say again, Louis is a better chef with the evidences so far. If people want to consider Nyesha, I would consider CJ and Louis before her.

Okay maybe I need to restate to you again. None of these are mutually exclusive.

Never mind, I did say Louis is a better chef. So I gonna stick with it, Louis is a better chef.

Did I say she doesn't deserve another chance?? Hell she is one of my pick in a another all star, which my post isn't another all star non winner edition. When you stop argue with logic and then call me Louis' mom when I don't think he is even good enough to be included. You are so so so silly. My list was about

No, if you had read what I said. Which you didn't, I am saying evidences pointed out that Louis had a better Top Chef record than Nyesha. Louis had a better resume than Nyesha. As for who is the better chef "definitely." I don't know until they compete. But who is a better Top Chef contestant, Louis is. End of

who?? I thought he happy about his marriage and all the Blais babies. Every time he came on the show, his wife ended up pregnant.

I just download. Gonna watch the episode of Nyesha and Stefan :)

Also asshole, there is nothing about Louis or Nyesha in my original post. If you care about those two, go argue somewhere else.

Well, don't reply in the first place. Because I ain't gonna sit here and let people tell me the grass is red, and the sky is green. I reply to a person who said Nyesha or gtfo. And then you come in making comparison with non existing evidences. Who is better than who?? I don't know, I know what the evidences

Not to mention, he beat Carlos whose restaurant he found earn a Michelin star.

Not her dish, her component of the dish. I want to see both on another season but not a champion season. Nyesha hardly compete with Paul Qui, Sarah, Eddward Lee weeks after weeks so let remove that from the discussion. So Louis was responsible for the restaurant he work for of earning a Michelin star. He made

hmm I think people are talking about their feelings more than logic. Richard didn't dominate season 4 either. It was close between Dale, Antonia, Stephanie, and Blais. If you look at season 10, Kristen and Brooke are so far above bacon dude, Micah, Stefan, Lizzie, and Josie. The only one close is Sheldon. Then if

I know how she eliminate on both LCK and the main event. But she didn't stand out that much when she was on the show. And certainly, competing against fodders are by no meant the same as beating Edward Lee, Sarah, or Paul Qui.

When I say dominate, it like Kevin G's 9 wins to Micheal V's 5 wins before finale or Paul Qui's 8 to Sarah's 4.

I don't understand what you meant by domination. Dale has 4 wins, Antonia has 4 wins, Stephanie has 5, and Richard has 6. She also been in the bottom a lot. Nope Richard also didn't dominate over his competition, it was much closer than people thought.

I am downloading Knife Fight, Nyesha also make an appearance on that show which hosted by Ilan Hall.