Jesus Christ

Nyesha?? Watch American Iron Chef, you can see her being a sous chef for Spike and Marcel. When she was on the show, she didn't do that well. Beside she only beat 4 last chance kitchen against fodders (early terminated contestants). If anything, Chef Louis is a much better chef than Nyesha.

Fantasy season 12, the number doesn't reflect on the favorite or strength of the chefs. 19 is the number of contestant in season 11.

Not sure Shirley isn't that popular and Stephanie Cmar is quite the contender though I want Shirley to win.

nope, down vote is gone lol. Love Stephanie… :)

I down vote you because you talk badly about Stephanie. I thought of the 19 contestants. And if there is any hope for humanity, Stephanie would be someone who do the right thing. And not petty as shit like me who would doing a down vote. As for Nick, meh, don't really care either way.

Boy, the two times Berverly leaved the show is quite something.

Sigh, I post two long ass analysis but I edit it way too much and it waiting for mod approval. Hmm, maybe next week I will post my baseball cards for my top top 20 contestants of all time. >__< I am such a Top Chef nerd.

Other stats, Shirley had not made one single bad dish during this entire season. She was the losing team couple time, but her food was praised as good to great to should have won that night (France vs Spain/Restaurant War). Take out that one episode where Nina were on the bottom due to Micheal (her food was actually

Don't know if I agree, both did about the same on the first 4 episodes (2 QF and 4 eliminations). Shirley won 2 challenges then, top 1, and was mentioned in the wait room preview twice. Nina won 1, top 2, and one wait room preview. Week 5-7 are Nina weeks, but from week 8 onward, Shirley edged out Nina slowly with

Team Shirley…