Donald Simmons

IRON MONKEY rules. I'm gonna watch it tonight.

Soon to be Commissioner Gordon in the Justice League movie.

A friend of mine wrote fanfic where Simmons' character from Law and Order was Vern's cousin and he came to visit Vern in Oz.

There was a cloaking field under the stairs and in the supply room, nothing that happened there could ever be seen by the guards.

He can't be both?

I don't think it's that Dr. Zaius hates humanity so much as that he knows they were once the dominant species and they destroyed themselves, and he's scared that the same thing might happen to the apes, hence his system of rigid control to try and keep that from happening. While i don't agree with his actions I find

He also antagonized D&M into firing him, and ruined any future relationship with them (and any other lawyers D&M talks to). He could have just gone and said "I'm just not a good fit here, can we work something out regarding me leaving" but that never seemed to enter his mind. Like Walt, Jimmy is usually the author of

Mike said it's about $200K.

Knock Off was way more fun than it had a right to be.

The commentary for BATTLE OF BRITAIN noted that Spain had dozens of Heinkel bombers that they allowed the production to use (they were used mostly for parachute training at the time) but they didn't allow them to leave Spain. So when you saw those shots of masses of Heinkels they were always shot from below

"If fake me is anything like real me, Ray need some help." Truer words were never spoken.

I like it a lot. But you'll really have to start with season one.

Just watch some anime, and you'll soon learn that everything explodes.

Seriously, there's so much to love about that film. And Sharon Stone is 4000% sexier in full cowboy outfit than in any of her scenes in "Basic Instinct".

At least the Mormons will (probably) get their ship back now. Maybe Fred can pass it off as an unscheduled engine test…

I did quite like the moment when Wyatt asks "Do you know when the first Delta Force mission was?", Lucy instantly says "Iran, 1979." and Rufus gives her this "How do you *know* all this?" look.

i was at a con with Sanderson once and he talked about finishing the Wheel of Time books. When he was offered the job he had to really think about it because he'd be putting his own writing on hold for a few years and he's be working off of Jordon's extensive notes rather than developing stuff himself. Also he'd have

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO….. Devon!!!!! I really liked her.

Thanks. You know, not being from California, I thought Santa Monica was another city entirely some distance away. But looking at a map it's just down the freeway from where the show takes place.

Did we ever find out why Charlie was in Santa Monica without any family the day of the arrival? I don't recall it ever being mentioned in the first season and they didn't say in this episode either.