Donald Simmons

Ragnar and Ivar are the best/worst team-up ever.

The British monarchy has switched ancestral lines several times since the days of William the Conqueror (Rollo's descendant). The current Windsor's are of the house of Hanover, a bunch of Germans.

It was easily the best episode so far.

The only thing I can think of is that another Ms. Kringle look-alike will suddenly appear, and then another, and so on…

National treasure of Canada!

Callista Flockhart didn't want to move to Vancouver so she's going to be recurring this season, not a regular. Nuts.

I saw him at TCAF in Toronto two years ago and asked him if there would be any more Parker adaptations. He said here would be two, the second would be "Butcher's Moon" and the next hadn't been decided on yet. Really gonna miss reading those and everything else he was going to do.

Go see "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels". Vinnie Jones is awesome in it.

When you start with Jack ripping out someone's throat out with his teeth it's pretty much impossible not to go downhill from there.

As long as it's not Vern Schillinger Simmons

When Carson said the Dowager had left in a gift in the servants quarters, i was sure she had left them all Denker.

WHAT?!? The first few seasons of TPBs were really, really funny, although they (as usual) ran the concept into the ground in later seasons.

When volume 6 came out here in Toronto a local comic shop, The Beguiling, had this midnight release party coupled with an actual street fair with music and 8-bit gaming. After the movie came out they had a free showing of it in a local rep cinema with Edgar Wright, and the line for it literally went around the block.

Do we know who Jennifer's Girl Friday was in that scene? I watch the show with half an eye sometimes so I'm not sure if we've met her before.

Many moons ago there was an American pilot for Red Drawf made where Lister was a big white guy.

Ha ha.

Where are all the Ed Brubaker movies? He's ten times the writer Miller is.

And Meyer's houseboat is called the "John Maynard Keyes".

Dinklage has GOT to be Meyer, Travis' award-winner economist best friend who lives on the neighbouring houseboat.

I'm watching the show mostly for Jones.