Donald Pump

I don't agree that bioshock is twice the game system shock 2 is, but just like being fanboys of gaming systems you closing your mind to appreciating other things, just because you're a fan of one, Bioshock is still a beautifully crafted game, it's made by the same people I don't think they'd like hearing you call

I think the reveal of "would you kindly" was really mindblowing.

It takes a sick fucking person to want to play as that shitstain.

Go solo Ragnaros in WoW and tell me that again.

ever played wow ?

Power Creep usually comes with annual or bi-annual expac in MMOs, not just a few months later. There's not been time to even upgrade or break in my VOG gear and I am going to shard it already.

Power creep happens, but usually it doesn't affect those working their way up still. They're always at the cutting edge as far as armour is concerned through normal means (standard vendors, random drops, quests etc.), but endgame items should be above that. If not, working for a sense of progression goes out the

Now playing

The trolling, the pricing, the lack of PS1 support...
The least you could do is kiss me before you fuck me, Sony.

Zelda is typically child-friendly.

Yep, you're right! I am definitely intolerant of Hunter's bigoted opinions.

so you know when to scream.

Is that you Rush Limbaugh?

A lot of people say that this new craze by the often misguided 'social justice' crowd won't actually change anything in real life. This clearly shows that they are wrong. It has already started affecting choice, and the quick capitulation of a major retailer to their demands is highly worrying.

So, how many rape and death threats will they get?

Rewarding the best players in the game really shouldn't piss anyone off at all.

The Christmas carolers I saw at Disneyland two weeks ago beg to differ.

Are we sure D-Rose isn't Italian, because he sure is fra-gi-le.

No one mentioned a Chrono game, fine I'll mention a Chrono game.

Hey, maybe it's a Chrono game.

It's not a Chrono game.

I'm assuming he has it off to support sites he cares about, but when the site starts to use annoying bullshit like pop ups, the guns come out.

lol...silly console FPS players...