Old Grey Young of Shub Niggurath

The most ridiculously CW moments from the old CW”

You said exactly what *I* wanted to say...only much wittier and more patiently.

Well, FUCK.

/Peter Foley has entered the chat


You’re right on the nose: similar...but lacking any sort of life.


Hahaha...I’ve been wondering that since his race starting making news. :D

“I do keep hoping Oliver does an episode on him though.”

There’s no way he hasn’t done something skeevy.”


(Well, CIS het, but, regarding Mr. Davidson...SAME.)

I like the cut of your jib, sir.

Also: why does he look like a Real Housewife (tm) cosplaying as both the Hulk and Carrot Top?

Holy fuck. When (and *why*, I suppose) did he get yoked?


Not gonna lie - I thought that was Pete Bogdanovich for a hot second.


Not gonna lie; I initially thought that that was Just Jack (Sean Hayes) doing some over-the-top Glam Sid Vicious cosplay.

“Will he lose his job over being a disgustingly unfunny, inhumanely mean troll of a human being?”


So: a) I am STILL not over the (mind-boggling) decision to cast Corden as Ferguson’s replacement, and b) who, on this godforsaken planet, believes that Corden is a comedian, let alone a “hugely gifted” one?

Thank the gods that Graham Norton still exists (as a talk show host).