Old Grey Young of Shub Niggurath

So...technically, yes: $899 is “less than” $900. :/

Regarding “The Blob” (1958): I contend that the 1988 remake(?) is kitschier, and, somehow, better. It certainly leans into the scenery-chewing, with zero impact on the scares.

On “Blair Witch”: the film is 100% enhanced by watching the accompanying “documentary”, “Curse of the Blair Witch”.

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Just a teeny-tiny clip from the interview, you go:

Is...T.J. Miller still a thing? Like, didn’t he “retire” or something, after wrapping up “Silicon Valley”? Will the deep and storied plot of the Deadpool oeuvre fall apart if he’s not in the third movie?


...says *you*. ;)

Came here to mention this. /kudos :D

Glancing at the thumbnail(s) atop the article, I saw the one (unbeknownst to me) from “Trading Places”, and was all,

So...this is essentially, “Picard: The TNG Mash-Up/Fan Service-a-Thon”?

I mean, I’m here for it (sincerely); but I hope it’s better than...whatever the fuck the previous two seasons were.


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After having seen wee bits and bobs about “The Try Guys” in and among my feeds, lo these past couple of weeks, I was TODAY years old (upon seeing the photo at the top of this article) that we all weren’t talking about “The Try Channel” folks from Youtube (and Ireland).

self-admitted rapist Jim Jeffries...

Well, wholly unrelated to The Daily Show, but...yeah - Craig was the absolute paradigm.

Yah, I know that much (I believe that is what *he* claimed), too, but...I guess I never saw any appearances he made around then, to actually witness the change in real time. /shrugs

Aside (and apologies for potentially hijacking your post): I always wondered the same thing about Dennis Miller; I dug him during his SNL years and throughout his 90s HBO stuff, but I guess I lost track of him whenever the “turn” happened?

Hahaha...well, fair warning (and as much as I love Janelle & her talent): the first (Julia Roberts)(!)-helmed season is a MUCH better-executed story. Not saying the 2nd (Janelle) season is’s just not quite as good as it’s progenitor. ;)

(Not disagreeing with you, more, critiquing the show-runners): but you *can* get some AMAZING storytelling done in under 25 minutes - just go look at “Homecoming” (*especially* the first season); those episodes were tight and (skillfully) dense.


I’m cribbing from an above reply I made, but: the show just doesn’t seem to know WHAT it wants to be, so it does a half-dozen different (story/plot/tone) turns each week, but never really leans into ANY of them, and the result is a great milquetoast waste of both Tatiana and Jameela’s (and everyone else

Yah, I don’t know - I went in WAY excited for: a) Tatiana Maslany, and b) a great, fun show with a well-written/well-realized female lead, and instead we got...I honestly don’t know. /smh

I’m fine with the sit-com-y-ness of (some of) it - but “sitcom” doesn’t have to mean “lazy, sloppy

Well, I mean, “it worked as an *attempt* at a joke”, to be sure.