...with spikes?
...with spikes?
/insert “hard agree” gif here
I mean, honestly, they didn’t need to spend a ton of money on crazy CGI (if that was the reason for the changes); low-budget but faithful practical effects - even of the laughable-early-Doctor-Who-series level shit- would be fine, as long as they maintained the spirit of the series.
Oh, no, no - I (like you) *liked* the added relationship/background stuff - like Mac and her brother - what I didn’t like was the fact that nearly everything else (story beats/plot points) was different, for no discernable reason. /shrugs
I mean, I’m kinda sad they nixed it, as it’s a great (GREAT) intellectual property, and I loved nearly EVERY aspect of the story over the many years I read it.
So, in lieu of anything new or interesting to say, I’ll just drag out my (now decade-plus old) canards...
Disgusting situation/human being, but award-worthy “Better Off Dead” reference. /kudos :D
I am here ALL DAY for Lizzo, but...that outfit looks like a blancmange that didn’t make the cut for the Monty Python episode.
So...we’re just not going to talk about the fact that the episode opened with a Trevor Philips reference?
Which (of the 99 different) version(s) was it you saw?
(I’m not saying the showrunners dropped the ball, but by the sound of this review...they low-key dropped the ball) I do NOT understand how any showrunner worth their salt could fail to translate a comic/graphic novel to the screen - the comic is LITERALLY a movie/tv show storyboard, fer Chrissakes.
Well, mainly because, instead of making it a completely intellectual terror experience (which would have been absolutely *harrowing*), he felt the need to throw a bunch of slasher-flick shit in there (which was de-rigeur for the era).
LOVE Rebeca Hall in nearly everything she’s done (especially in “Vicky Christina Barcelona”) and this movie looks like it could be great.
With a capital “R”. :D
Yeah, everything else aside, the PC Master Race-r in me immediately had a stroke over the: a) imbalanced intake/exhaust fans (easy fix) and b) the fact that he has three 120s blowing hot air DOWN FROM THE TOP.
I mean, maybe if they melded it with a mod-manager, to sync up everyone’s games/mods/etc?
Well, this looks promising, and I love both of the main actors.
I mean, that’s cool (sincerely), but...I know *I* have been playing Skyrim on and off for the past decade with an ever-expanding, continually-changing collection of (HUNDREDS of) mods; how much of a (literal) game-breaker is it going to be if you & friend(s) don’t share the exact same mod-list?
What if your mods are…
Watching the first episode and: a) it is fantastic, b) it is DIFFICULT to watch (as I’ve had more than my share of soul-crushing jobs/bosses), and c) I am definitely getting that Ben Stiller “Permanent Midnight” vibe from this. Nice.