Seth Meyers (since “returning” from the COVID times) has had more than a little bit of...well...*his* version of Ferguson’s chaos/”do whatever the fuck we like” attitude.
Seth Meyers (since “returning” from the COVID times) has had more than a little bit of...well...*his* version of Ferguson’s chaos/”do whatever the fuck we like” attitude.
After Ferguson left, the show was mildly interesting during the few months(?) when they had a different stunt-host every few weeks.
I, quite literally, grew up watching (and LOVING) Letterman, but, I don’t know, after experiencing Ferguson, I’ve got to say: the time of that same-y, staid, not-quite-honest, performative talk show host format had gotta get gone.
I’m quoting someone far more intelligent than I, from Reddit, when I type, “Can’t he just do the thing where you put in your 2-week resignation and the boss just says, ‘Nah, you can go *now*’?”
Yeah...I *really* miss Craig and his wonderfully insane boundary-pushing and honest conversations; I can hardly believe it’s been nearly NINE years. :/
SO many questions...
So...the usual annoying slideshow, yet no “Waking Life” (2001)? /smfh
“Warehouse Employees Steal Over $35,000 Worth Of Video Cards”...
I’m (mostly) with you on this: literally the *only* thing I enjoyed from the Nolan Batman trilogy was Heath Ledger’s Joker. I mean, it’s been beaten to death, but...methinks he absolutely earned it.
You ABSOLUTELY have to contextualize how the BUS DRIVER used that phrase. /agog
“I constantly fantasize about the cast being cut down to the old model of seven to ten regulars”; what’s the cast size up to, currently?
I’m just wondering how long this thing takes to charge from a full drain.
“There’s no way someone could do two things at once: agree with a movie’s message but disagree with how the message is framed.”
Came here to say the same, but you beat me to it: I am deathly concerned about climate change (and any number of other existential threats under which we toil daily), but this movie…
No - “Chrome Dome with Bright Teeth”.
Apropos of nothing in particular (but after trolling through a ton of wonderful comments, below), I swung by to say:
Chiming in from the Northeast US, 1980s: “99 Luftballons” was DEFINITELY in the rotation out here, right next to Depeche Mode, The Smiths, The Cure, Tesla, Billy Squier, J. Geils Band, New Order, BulletBoys, Cinderella, Al B. Sure!, EPMD, etc.
Most of my thoughts/queries have been put forth by all you fine folk below me here. /kudos
All the stars; they’re yours. :D
Name checks out.