Old Grey Young of Shub Niggurath

“Archer shows its age in a disappointing past few seasons...” #FTFY no one going to point out to them that all the movies in question (Black Widow, Cruella, Wonder Woman 1984) were empirically poorly assembled movies anyway? In other words, NONE of these were going to be doing CRAZY amounts of profit, no matter where/when they were released.

I mean, there was obvious potential

I’d like to see the follow-up numbers, going forward, because, honestly...this film was a bit of a mish-mash, tonally/story-wise, and, frankly, both Johanssen and her character were done a disservice.

What Are Your Thoughts On This Crocs Stiletto?”

...and the Grammar Pedant in me REJOICES. :D

The period can be seen as a “seriousness marker”.

And no mention of “HappyThankYouMorePlease”?

I was a huge fan of Maher back in the days of “Politically Incorrect”, and especially loved him after Dennis Miller went around the bend.

Hate to be the lowbrow heathen at this fine dining table, but...watching this makes me DREAM of someone putting this level of detail (visual and mechanical) into a Battlefield 1942/Battlefield 2 type of game.

Well, okay. That’s...fine.

I was blown away by Half Life 2 when it came out and I first played it; yet (sadly) each subsequent playthrough has found it to feel like more and more of an extended tech demo and, as a result, bland as hell (for me).

I mean, a good Minuet can jolt *anyone* back to reality.

“...Battle for Middle Earth...was one of the first games I downloaded...”

Stray thoughts:

Love the series, love everything Favreau has done with it and, well...I just kinda love the fun, interesting, amazing ride that The Mandalorian has taken us on thus far.

I just want to know where the dog came from (beyond “the wardrobe”, I mean). :/

Did I miss it somewhere - who is the voice actor for Tripp? IMDB doesn’t even list the character, let alone the actor. :/

Well, just to be fair, babies have no reliable source of income, so really ANYBODY could pay way more than babies.

As a vague, not-really reply to all those other militaristic parents out there who have responded - I’ve been six years in the Marine Corps, and ten years in the Army, and still have the patience/courtesy to ask them if they’ll be done soon (with their game).
