Don Yachts

I can’t believe no one posted this already...

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Gillian Jacobs has entered the chat with a hard “G”

I may be in the minority here, but I quite enjoyed it. It was more David Lynch than James S.A. Corey in terms of style of sci-fi, but I like both styles equally. I like symbolic & allegorical sci-fi as much as more clinical, logical science fiction. Also, I just really like weird stuff in general, so the more bonkers

As I have been re-watching the first season in preparation for the second season, I can really tell how much Henry loves playing Geralt of Rivia! He really sinks into the role, and I really appreciate his dedication to it. I honestly think that this is his dream job and I couldn’t be happier for him.


Holy FUCK did that freak me the fuck out as a kid! Probably one of the reasons I never wanted to have kids: Too a’feared o’ the lizard bebbes! Ha ha!

“V” freaked me out but for some reason I was obsessed with that show!

Yeah that scene is pretty unsettling! I love how surreal it is!

Holy fuck did that freak me out as a kid! Even “The Simpson’s Treehouse of Horror” parody wigged me out!

Saw that episode the day before 7th grade started and just about died of fright. The next year would show me that true monstrosity hid in closet that is the hearts of humankind.

You make a very valid point! Ben does deserve higher profile work! He is incredibly talented!

Oh totally! Gunn lovingly paid homage to Farscape! I am actually glad they didn’t cast Ben as Ego, because Ego got killed off! At least now his character can make appearances in more Guardians films!

(And I’d love to see Claudia Black do a cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy like Ben Browder did! Or Gigi!)“

YES!! To all of that! Even after all this time it still rules!

It looks like “Coast to Coast” on Moya from “Farscape’, which makes every fiber of my being ache for more “Farscape.”

I could see more productions using StageCraft volumes like “The Mandalorian” used in the near future. It would eliminate a lot of location shooting, can be kept on a closed set, and quickly tweaked & adjusted. The studios could keep their staff quarantined to these large studio compounds for the time it takes to

For some reason I could have sworn that there was a western live action version in the works that is funded by Netflix or Amazon. I could have been wrong though.

Ye Gods, I hope so! :D

I am hoping for space cephalopods, but yeah I think you are right.

I dated a girl who got severe migraines nigh daily and I used to call her The Human Barometer as well!

I was actually thinking of purchasing one of these for the specific purpose of rave apparel myself. Ha ha!