Don Yachts
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I prefer the original Count Smokula version.

Y’know what modern cartoons are seriously lacking in? Steam shovels that poop out coal into carts.

Two words. Bubba Baff.

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Thank you! This bothers me so much. I mean do people have any concept of how huge a galaxy actually is? I mean really is? Hell, I live in a town of 200 people right now and I maybe know like five of them, and not well.

Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

It’s nice that they let that fine young Amish boy sing & play bass.

CatCap’s album covers are pretty legendary for gore, which is hilarious because they are vegans, but some of the Gorenoise bands out there have them beat. 

I wonder how far into space this broadcast has reached in 80 years? 

The hell represented in the graphic novel “Requiem Chevalier Vampire” by Pat Mills and Olivier Ledroit is pretty damn brutal.

Y’know, “The Twilight Zone Movie’ version of this scene freaked me out as a kid, and I think that lingering fear had bled over with that episode of “Treehouse of Horror,” because it kind of gave me the “Willy’s” too. (apologies for the horrible pun.)

That was the one where Otto got the adamantium arms and beat the hell out of The Hulk, right? Drawn by Erik Larsen?

Have there been any investigations into using resins as a method of preservation? I mean, it worked great for all those bugs trapped in amber back in Cretaceous Period.

You are close to a revelation here. To elaborate on your comment about remembering your life was like before you were born and Stoncil’s sleep being training for death are both correct. When you dream, do you remember your waking life or are you returning to a life you live within that dream?

You are close to a revelation here. To elaborate on deliaplum’s comment about remembering your life was like before you were born and sleep being training for death are both correct. When you dream, do you remember your waking life or are you returning to a life you live within that dream?

I remember being a kid in grade school and seeing that very ad and thinking the exact same thing as you! Nagel’s art and this ad instilled in my young mind an attraction to ladies as depicted in both pieces. I think that is in part why I dig goth girls and Pulp Fiction. Ha ha!

My dad made me watch that when I was 8 years old. It was my first horror movie. It messed me up pretty bad. It wasn’t until I discovered the original “Fright Night” at age 12 that I found out horror could be funny.