“You know what? Rob has been lying to all of y’all, and that’s the sad part about it... He been lying to all.”
“You know what? Rob has been lying to all of y’all, and that’s the sad part about it... He been lying to all.”
Listening to their Podcast, it might have something to do with the fact that RuPaul is a god-awful interviewer.
You don’t have to wish anyone ill...but more than that, you don’t have to wish anyone you are not directly connected to anything, good or bad. So what was the point of this?
I honestly never thought I’d be that guy, but here we are... the very picture attached to this story shows both the late Congressman Cummings (in the background on the left) and Congressman John Lewis. At first glance they do look remarkably similar.
Hell, George Carlin probably had more influence on Murphy than Cosby.
Luz Long was more than kind to Owens. In defiance of other Nazi athletes routinely ignoring or belittling their non-Aryan competitors, Long hugged Owens after Owens beat his mark to win Gold, locked arms with Owens to walk him to the locker room, and held his shoulder congratulating him in front of the international…
“He was doing great, until he got his ass beat.” LOL
I read that one like 4 times trying to decide if she was being funny or just an idiot and I’m still not sure, although leaning towards “idiot.”
It’s funny to me (not really) how these types of Black men who accuse powerful Black women like Oprah of anti-Black male bias for calling out misogynistic behavior by prominent Black men (e.g. Simmons, Bill Cosby and R. Kelly) never show compassion for their victims, who’re are almost always Black women.
“love” is trash now and was trash then.
I’ve got nothing but love for Maxine but today my thoughts have been filled with Elijah Cummings. That man spent the last three years of his life in pain and fighting for our democracy. His last official act on this earth was to sign subpoenas meant to defend and protect the children at the border. He was the very…
i have an artificial tree. i also have a charlie brown tree.
Get bent.
Easy. It’s a comfort to know that while Amber may have escaped justice in this life, she will burn and rot in hell for all of eternity. :)
Average age of its readers is 58 and it has a majority female readership. So I guess old white women are lapping up hate articles on someone they’ve taken a set against for... reasons
Not sure how that helps here. The press would still follow them and harass them. Princess Diana was no longer the princess of Wales. She was harassed to death.
Harry mentioning the treatment that his mother received and how harassment by the paparazzi led to her death should be a wake up call for these monsters, especially one Katie Hopkins. Who the hell am I kidding these assholes will more than likely double down on this treatment now. Nice to see Harry & Doug Emhoff…