Fingers crossed!
Fingers crossed!
Andrew Yang should know better. As an Asian man, he is perfectly positioned to know that people can be surrounded by all sorts of people of color and still be extremely (and often openly) racist.
Agreed! Until Beyonce, Adele, Taylor Swift, or Janet pulls their catalog, not much will happen.
Oh no! We might never see another Steve Harvey special! How ever shall we go on?
This feels very Stunt Kween-y to me. Honestly, even if it’s 100% true, I don’t care. Also, how can you be the proprietor of a hair care line and can’t even take care of your own hair. Would you go to an aesthetician whose eyebrows are jacked?
I am definitely going to give this a try. I not feeling those black bean burgers and Impossible burgers taste like ass. Looking forward to this!
I understand that you felt Vernon’s declarations and actions seemed mechanical and rote, but to a SIGNIFICANT number of the gay men watching, the theme of the unrequited love with a straight man is very familiar. You indulge in the fantasy of what this love could be, while that rational part of your mind screams at…
I literally came here to say exactly that. I would have taken names, blasted then across every platform available and would ABSOLUTELY have closed down that account that very moment.
I loved everything about this episode. I thought about my mother and other Black girls who grew up in the 50s and 60s who never got the chance to self-actualize. The visuals and storytelling are stunning and the critique on modern society is just EVERYTHING! One of the best hours of television I’ve ever experienced.
I also read the Judy Garland fan as queer. In the 50s and up through the 70s, gays referred to themselves as “Friends of Dorothy” as a code to identify one another among straight people. Finding someone who liked Judy Garland was great, but since she was a woman, there was the presssure to, ahem, “perform” later.
A group of Karens is called a Privilege
I just came here to say that Brandon Stark united the *six* kingdoms because The North was like, "Fuck all y'all"!
I just came here to say that “You can play with my pussy but don’t play with my emotions” is the greatest lyric EVER! This is not up for discussion. Love me some Doja Cat.
Spot on! I can totally agree with all of the things said in the review and still enjoy it because its TV, for gods’ sake. I cried, I cheered, I felt the emotions even though I knew ultimately he had to come back since the second season is still called “Picard” and not “Picard in Memoriam”.
IKR, I assumed she’d been out for years. Who’s next? Latifah? Mc Lyte?
If black people were even a tenth as violent as white people imagine, in response to situations where white people have gone slap the fuck off, there’d be alot more dead white people.
I will fully admit to being an awful person and kind of wishing a bunch of gun nuts had gotten shot up during the protest. Imagine all those knee-jerk idiots firing blindly at everything that moves. Thins the herd as far as I’m concerned.
Are you mad? Would you like a cape? Then you could be...
Soooooo... for a quarter of a second, I looked at the picture at the top of the article and said to myself, “Why is Wendy Williams in an article about Faith Evans?”