
Mostly it’s because so much football commentary is absolute garbage, and it’s refreshing to hear a human being effectively explaining complex shit in a simple way. We just suffered through a terrible MNF booth that seemed more interested in bringing “debate” into the broadcast over, ya know...just telling us what the

The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo. 

Exactly. What if he is just two Kevin Harts in a James Gunn costume?

her supply of studies didn’t meet the demand of the class?

When they joked (I assume) in a recent episode about the next Tournament of Chompians theme being salad, I genuinely thought it was a great idea.

Ah the eternal struggle as a Doughboys fan: I want the show to keep going forever but I also want Mitch to get down to a weight he feels gid about.

It was a make-up call for the missed helmet to helmet hit on Rivers on the preceding play. They call that and the Chargers are right there anyway. Both teams got some weak ass calls going their way. The “hold” on the Chiefs last scoring drive was every bit as weak as the PI for the Chargers.

“who the hell wants to watch people be shitty at something?”

That song (5,000 Candles in the Wind) is both the goofiest and the most heartfelt song in the history of songs.

This one still gives me nightmares.

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Chill, child.


Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

I’m sorry, but the list of political dynamics and issues where Obama needs an explainer from Libby Watson is exceedingly short.

Didn’t read anything about Rockstar telling them to share positive stories. Seems like you’re creating a narrative to fit the emotions you want to have.

Bang bang into your mouth.

You had a mini solo bolo! I love Ben Schwartz so much. I wanna sing a capella with him and Scottie Aucks so badly. 

There it is.

Come on, we all know who the host of the Continental is going to be...