you’d be better off backing the KS and then firing a contract painter.
you’d be better off backing the KS and then firing a contract painter.
That’s a bit more than smokey eye. Some might call it charred eye
I ended up enjoying the first Rage but once it was done, I just forgot about it. Nothing about the game was special enough to stick in my mind. It was just average. Kinda surprised to see a sequal being planed though I do think the setting has potential to make a good game.
The best method for cooking asparagus is even older - over a flame.
This is honestly a problem with the last couple far cry games. You clear out the outposts and suddenly it’s safe. This is a little better as a region is still not free of the cult until the lieutenant in that region is taken out but then it’s suddenly free and clear.
Fav: Winter Solider. Until this last year I’d have said Guardians was a close second with Avengers as third but Black Panther and Ragnorak strolled in and busted that order up.
He looks like the cabinet for a Big game Hunter arcade machine.
An on the money recommendation! it’s very good.
What I’d really like to see is more controls over the minimap. Want to turn it off? There should be a control for that. Want to make it smaller? there should be a control for that. There is no reason that a modern video game can’t include that kind of adjustment.
the original Will & Gracehad a certain high bar of witty sophistication, bolstered by occasional slapstick humor. Best of all, it was frequently funny.
Once they have their representative sample in place, Nielsen primarily measures viewing numbers with electronic meters that track what the televisions are tuned to. They also install black boxes – aka a computer and a modem – which deliver the viewing data from the TVs to Nielsen every night.
In terms of the action and pacing, this is less John Wick and more Jason Bourne, which is not a bad thing at all.
I don’t think anyone in Claycomo, MO would call it the south , unless you think Kansas City is in the south...
I have no idea why i find this so funny but damn that’s hilarious.
So if you don’t like a truck being parked in front of your drive way, shooting it up such that it won’t be movable does’t seem like the best plan.
The mouse pad that charges the wireless mouse is a great freaking idea!
ok, that seems like it could be awesome!
that seems interesting. What I really need is this resistance meter to really do is play into the AI forces actually taking back outposts or whatever this games version is, making travel less safe. You reached a point in previous games where it just got too safe and took the tension out of the game.
Who gets the Jesus and Mohammad skins? Maybe Roadhog Jesus and Junkrat Mohammad?
This seriously reminds me of the Titannica sketch from Mr Show