
His commentary with Mileus is hilarious. He keeps making masturbation jokes when his body building friends are on screen. lol

I love this movie. Seeing it as a kid is what launched my love of pulp era fiction. And such a fantastic soundtrack by Basil Poledouris.

Bart is the best! Everytime I talked to a troll I laughed.

<spoilers below>

Peanuts needs only one song - that piano theme from all the Peanuts cartoons.

If only Rachel Dolezal was running that local NAACP chapter....

Because Gawker commenting rules dictate if a black person tells you something is racist it must be, no questions asked.

Worst thing I’ve ever seen on an airplane was 3 episodes of CSI Miami. Ugh.

uh, these things kick ass. Use it all the time to make a corn salsa/relish. Bought it for like 4 bucks at the grocery store, screw Williams-Sonoma

I’m about to finish. Did pretty much all the side quests available after white orchard then finally started the storyline. I’m in the home stretch now on the storyline. Been a great game.

Is there a wrong GIF choice?

Fuck-peeps are a sugary confection only sold after dark in the lead up to Easter

Wow, this Stargate sequel really went off the rails...

Couldn’t agree more. I can’t see how American Horror Story gets a tongue bath of love and Hannibal gets crapped on.

June 16, 2015: Rachel sits down for an interview with NBC News’s Savannah Guthrie, during which she tells the anchor that there’s “no biological proof” that her white parents are really her parents.

Agreed. felt like those bright colors and goofy moments helped offset what was at times a really dark game.

I like how in any other instance, Gawker wouldn’t use a white writer to contradict what black women are saying. But since this goes against the narrative they are creating, it’s totally ok to have a white writer saying black women are wrong. lolz

This gif wins the internet today. Congrats!

So now people can’t think that an alleged rapists (your words) didn’t do it and publicly say that without being thrown under the bus as a rape apologist? That’s freaking ridiculous. Way to try to shut down independent thought and speech.

“If you watch this video without my consent, then I hope you reflect on your reasons for objectifying me and participating in my rape, for, in that case, you were the one who couldn’t resist the urge to make Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol about what you wanted to make it about: rape.”