
That Lady Thor is awesome!

You just won the internet sir

Just needs guns and she's nailed it!

Skeletina. bad ass!

Which begs the questions, why is a ram being recovered? :)

Is that ram riding a weather balloon around?!

In addition to shift differential, I have to wonder if the unit being worked in was taken into account. When I worked in the OR, I made more just for working in surgery, and I was paid just like my female coworkers. Men tend to end up in areas that might result in a wage differential based on the unit (OR, ER, ICUs).

This might be the best news I've heard this year.

And these are the guys who also directed Community's Modern Warfare episode.

Or have her muscles function.

Indeed. But the point being no one can be allergic to calcium. They'd be dead.

That would have been amazing!

I'm allergic to calcium....I swear. How are they even alive? I hate stupid allergies like that.

My wife does this, drives me nuts as you have to walk past our trash can to get to the sink. I do the dishes (I do all the cleaning actually) and it drives me crazy to have food in the sink all the time.

That has to be the greatest disclaimer ever.

Engage nerdboner at maxium capacity.

Agreed. If I want elves and magic, I'l go play DnD.

Notice that lady boners isn't listed as "bad" reddit.

Or how is random sexygifs "bad"? It seems to be the assumption that if nudity or sex is involved it's automatically non-consensual.

How exactly is Random Sexygifs "bad reddit"?