
Is that ram riding a weather balloon around?!

In addition to shift differential, I have to wonder if the unit being worked in was taken into account. When I worked in the OR, I made more just for working in surgery, and I was paid just like my female coworkers. Men tend to end up in areas that might result in a wage differential based on the unit (OR, ER, ICUs).

Or have her muscles function.

Indeed. But the point being no one can be allergic to calcium. They'd be dead.

That would have been amazing!

I'm allergic to calcium....I swear. How are they even alive? I hate stupid allergies like that.

My wife does this, drives me nuts as you have to walk past our trash can to get to the sink. I do the dishes (I do all the cleaning actually) and it drives me crazy to have food in the sink all the time.

That has to be the greatest disclaimer ever.

Surprisingly I don't hate this and I usually have a horrific allergic reaction to Billy Madison and Paul Blart whenever I see them.

If it's online someone will find a way to hack it and play more than once

I do all the cleaning and I'd be happy with a simple thank you.

You left out the final step

Then those important to know things (corking fee, dress code, no perfume, etc) are tips and information if that's the only thing being offered, not reviews of the actual establishment. You need to spend some time learning what a review really is.

A review isn't "this establishment as a $50 corking fee and there for gets 1 star". Important to know, yes, but it's not enough to give a review on. Not by a mile. Literally, a phone call was made, they confirmed a policy they didn't like. There's nothing to freaking review. You say "you rate based on the parts

You just know these two conspired before they went in to try and use a yelp review as blackmail to get what they wanted. No different than the people who complain about everything in their order trying to get it free.

I think they mean attention yelp users who try to use a negative yelp review as blackmail.

So would you give a negative review to a book you've never read or a movie you've never seen? A review based on a phone call about a single policy is ridiculous.

It's what makes Yelp useless. it's not a review of the restaurant. It's a review of a policy. The person never went there, they just called to ask about the policy.

Maybe she liked doing Guardians of the Galaxy so much she's now seeking a part in Marvel's Dr Strange movie.

"Does diarrhea sound fun to you?"