dominus vobiscum

I'll believe all this crap if the late, great Selma Diamond makes a special appearance in this film as a chain smoking nonbeliever.

The Catholics turned me into one of them. Not sure about the Hebrews except I know to not challenge them in a game of Old Testament Trivial Pursuit.

I really wish you ended that sentence with "amirite?"

Baseball Is a Funny Game by Joe Garagiola
(Mar 1990), just ahead of The Bible.

You should have gone to Hebrew school.

Is one of them Steve?

Perhaps Americans should be lying better if they truly like that racist POS, The Bible.

He played the Oneders original drummer, Eric "Stumpy Joe" Childs.

Many actors were terribly served by the writing in Dexter.

I expected David Caruso to be called to the murder scene and remove his sunglasses and say something hilarious.

Nope, you haven't seen more than a handful of episodes of TGW.

You know how I can tell Josh Charles is the director of this episode? He's wearing a scarf indoors.

Hakuna Matata

Last time she visited her plastic surgeon she ordered the Dennis Quaid. The woman's obsessed.

One of these is unacceptable.

When did this site get hijacked by bitchy gay men?

This is exactly what I would want if it was done tastefully.

Borgnine? No way!


Your go to response for every occasion. You're so cool.