
Interesting trivia, codeine does not have any analgesic effects. However, when metabolized by the liver it turns into morphine.

Holden is full of shit about the whole invisible ships thing. Even if the theory has some merit (it doesn't) "A giant canoe" is not something beyond the realm of imagination for any natives.

Which was bullshit. You drop a tank out of a plane like that, and the turret will fall off.

BMWs in the movies are heresy.

Which one?

Though keep in mind, the framework does not grant wishes, it undoes regrets.

Multiple Organic Drones Of Koenig

If she has a Fitz specifically so she can control him the way she can't the original, why was he questioning her about Jemma?

The problem with that scenario i's that it assumes there is ever a point when Gina does not think she is already perfect.

Though the string of to be to be to(sic) was on purpose.

Summer Glau has yet to appear, so they're still safe.

I wonder now, how fresh the brains have to be. Like, could they take brains they don't currently need, and make brainperoni and then let it age and make pizza a few months down the road?

Man, elevators in the Triskelion must be one of the most unsafe places in the world.

Well, it makes sense it would be very bleak. Hydra won, after all.

So, the chili dogs are about the chill of teen girls, I guess?

Yeah. Terry recusing himself want some super nice gesture, it was what he should have done from the start.


DARE wasn't wrong when they said the dealers would give you the first taste for free.

Yeah, who the hell is Brigsby Bear?