
A good rule of thumb is that if it's got black plastic furniture it's an M-16 (or AR variant) and if it's got wood furniture, it's an AK-47. Obviously that ignores the many many rifles that are neither, and that you can put wood on an M-16 and plastic on an AK, but it'll get you about 80% there.


We better. Or I'ma mailbomb someone.

Depends on if it's just taxes, or every law and regulation, I imagine.


Und Sie gehe scu-rew auf!

I'd sue someone if they tried to connect me to Entourage as well.

I appreciated the deal with the safe. I kept thinking "lock the damn safe" as Archer was going to leave.

Smurf the following things;

How about that gravity assist route they plotted? That's some good(ish) science doing there.

Well, how often are you in a situation where you might hear someone make horrible threats to your life that the absence of such a line would be noticed?

Sometimes I have to wonder about people who say things like "You'd better kill me!" as a threat regarding the horrible things they plan on doing to someone.

Nice that SOMEONE got it.

But Don E quit, wasn't fired.

Back when SG-1 was filming, they actually had a Vancouver TV Show Hockey League.

"I've joined up with a professional paramilitary group preparing for the apocalypse (in the original greek meaning). Let's channel vapid teenage girl brains!

Don't shock a flatline!

Maybe they can just change the name to the Truth.

After sending Seattle flying into the sun.

But CAN they trust Ward? A great way to get an agent inside the resistance is for a loyal agent to pretend to be their inside man.