
Agent It Never Left

Wasn't there a related clipping on the back of the parade page?

Agent Can't Stop Betraying My Agency.

His shirt's too big though.

Depending on when Bahrain happened, SHIELD may have been around to wake up Cap. Or they just decided to gloss over that whole thing.

Yeah, given what Aida said about closing the loophole for them to escape, I'm pretty sure she knows exactly what's going on. Of course, that should give her practical omniscience in the Framework, somehow.

On the one hand, he might. On the other hand, I imagine he takes a Xanatosian view of revenge, that it's a sucker's game.

Why would they write Major's "Name" on the cup if they're not going to call it out? They called out his drink, not his name.

Yeah. Was that the first time we saw the full name of the shelter?

And then it turns out he was sleeping with a zombie all along! Or possibly WAS a zombie all along? I actually forgot a lot of the new BSG stuff once it was apparent the show writers were only a few episodes ahead of me.

I came for the Babylon 5, but stayed for Sarah Connor Chronicles. But then left again because fuck if I'm going to subscribe to yet another streaming service.

Babylon 2 sank into a swamp, Babylon 3 also sank into a swamp, Babylon 4 burned down, fell over, and was then stolen by time travelers before it sank into a swamp. But Babylon 5 stayed up (until Sleeping in Light)!

Bullshit they're not spelled with two Fs!

He walked away from it because it was about to explode.

He's done it before. Just wearing a different helmet.

Only shipping regarding Missy I want to do is in a crate into the sun.

And some more notable buildings around Central Park when they're landing.

Nobody likes admitting to being a kender.

We wish. The body is also gooey.

Is OPM that much of a Hollywood movie? Maybe it's just all the Dragon Ball Z Abridged I've been watching, but the idea of that guy who just wants to fight for a challenge, to push himself or whatever seems like it's a distinctly Japanese thing. Usually in US movies, fighting is for revenge, or something other than