Dominic Arenas

I’ve blown this up and gone frame by frame, and it’s not there.

I think it looks pretty neat. One of the many missed opportunities of the Prequel Trilogy for me was showing some degree of variation and evolution in Darth Vader's suit. When we first see Vader in the original movie, he would've been middle aged- surely he could've had a more armored or less-finalized outfit in the

A potential Joker each week is cool. But not as cool as an ACTUAL BATMAN each week.

Sometimes when I smoke weed, I hallucinate that I go into hell and meet the actual devil and he threatens to keep my soul for all of eternity. It is very un-chill. The last time I attempted to get high, in my sophomore year of college, I was passed the eff out and my friend was trying to help me, and she later told me