Dominic Arenas

I like turtles

Maybe aliens, but do them right this time? So far, focusing on one horror element has worked in season 1 and 3. Season two was a mess, they should've just stuck with Lana Bananas story.

Uh, what about Wolverine being taller than both of them.........

iTunes 11.1 beta for Mac, for those who need it:

My pick is Palpatine. He was carrying out a loooooooong game to eventually 1) Get rid of the Jedi, 2) Let the sith rule once more. And if you believe that balance in the force is like a Ying Yang, he did balance the force, as there were very few Sith and many Jedi, so he evened the playing field.

I think I figured out why the stars aligned so much for Joker:

I came here to post that...

The only problem is that the pondering dude's nose is too far to his left, and his moustache is centered.

Jump goddamnit!

I'm not well versed in the comics, but are the functionalities of each individual suit that different to justify having a different HUD/UI for each version? Sure, some of the fuctionalities are different, like MK42 being self propelled, and Hulkbuster having the ability to... Bust Hulk. I guess we'd have to know how

Manual aperature ring.... droooool

"Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see."

Brush-a Brush-a Brush-a

Um, new hashtag guys:

Huh. Reminds me of Omega...

Needs more Mass Effect soundtrack.

Um... Biotics?

lulz. Exposure.