Dominic Arenas

For DNA collection, I'd wager grabbing a cigarette butt would be sufficient.

Intergalactic kegger?!?!?

@DfizzleShizzle: Yeah, bad article because he doesn't even answer the question that everybody is gonna ask.

Worst Part: They literally only used one lense/film combonation. Weak.

I really loved what the Rusty Venture turned out to be. OF COURSE Brock Lobster knew what it was!

@Justin: God forbid. Although I discovered that if you accidentally leave airplay on, your txt tones and ring tones will be pumped to the speaker. Scared the shit out of me the first time it happened.

@PestiEsti: Yes, with weird wording to boot! "Their son alarmed the walk through metal detector"

Bad buzz? Are you kidding? I was on as soon as I heard it was Michel Gondry directing, and Christoph Watz as the baddie. I'm STOKED.

@Charlie Jane Anders: Well, I only noticed it because the first AltOpening Credits included First People, which always made me crack up, like Canada doesn't exist in the altuniverse. And then I crack up everytime I see retrocognition from the new opening.

Why is there a cheese grater behind the zombigotchi????

@Beth Herzhaft: I bet it has somehting to do with astral projection. Or even that she's half in, and half out.

Great episode.

Uh, yeah. I'm gonna need you to go ahead and do those TPS reports...

@AngriestGeek: It's true, the prequel nature of the show means that there's no real danger for most of these people.

@ffantasyv: Haha, really lazy if you ask me. But it's all good, most people won't pause it to read it, they get the point that there's a bunch of long messages going back and forth.

@Maave: But that's the thing, the US isn't an entirely cohesive culture. We are a nation of immigrants, so everybody brought their own customs, and we are generally pretty tolerant.