Dominic Arenas

@looocas: Yeah, I noticed that too. It really put of off. It's not "Unda Unda", it's "N'Dunda". It's like they didn't even go back and watch any of the episodes with the Omicronians. It's almost as bad if they said it "Omicron Persei 16" or something.

@Kuratowa: Hells to the yes! That's the first thing I thought of, the efficiency apartments in Fifth Element!

@Bill-Lee: Yeah, somebody should make some posters for Grindhouse films as if they were big budget. Like if Plan 9 from Outer Space had an all star cast, and an infinite budget.

Wow, that lead image is perfect for the lock screen of my iPhone.

You guys didn't post the best one! Thor getting hammered, leaving Krypt Tonight! Hahahahahaha amazing.

Sweet! I love bric-a-brac!

"A new system developed by Lockheed Martin aims to change that, by using magnetic waves to carry voice and text messages."

@bitgod: Haha. Cooler. I get it!

Is it really a bus if it's on a rail? Or is it just a train?

The part you referenced with the 18 year old Knives included my favorite panel of all time. I couldn't stop laughing.

Too cool for school. I wish it was in my zip code, but not yet.

Wow, okay, that's terribly inefficient. Having to lift the glass and camera hardware for every page? No way.

@Andy Neil: Probably the best clip in the video!

What if you accidentally the whole thing?

@senselocke: The preorder DLC is usually just a code that comes with the game. And most of the time, you can find them on ebay, for around 10-15 bucks. That's how I got the "Dem Bones" challenge map for Arkham Asylum.

Great walkthrough, I would've never guess there was another way to install new OS's instead of Boot Camp.

What, no King Dome?!?!?