Domestically Disabled

Aww, he must be somewhat young/middle-aged still. Mine is 13 and not so jumpy anymore. But she still has an awful lot of energy, and is smart as a whip. I don't think I could have any other kind of dog.

Indeed - I've had mine for about 10 years and she's roughly 75% independent and 25% adoring. But, no, I can't imagine Kelsey Grammar appreciating a willful dog.

oh, shove it Grammar. Jack Russell terriers are the best, and odds are that dog was smarter than you.

OMG, Tyra, you're the most business's businesswoman ever. WE GET IT!!

If this is the secret, I'm going to live for a friggin long time.

I always got a very lizard-like impression of him, but alien now seems appropriate too.

Your summary of the skills involved is spot on. I would also add logistical skills, since packaging those orders up is quite involved when you have 20+ cases set up as an assembly line in your living room. And yes, I was that GS who friggin loved selling those cookies!!

A. I love your username.

You are totally right, thank you. I'm so used to RGB in the few visual things that I do anymore, I swapped them. (I was a theater major, so we did the color stuff, then most of the emphasis was then learning how lighting design then screws with your color choices AKA make sure you're in good with your LD.)

I discovered this display at my local Target this past Monday evening and was compelled to take pretty much the same picture as the Tulsa reader - to send my friends accompanied by an "Oh dear lord." (We had been joking about the terribleness of 50 Shades the previous evening while watching the awkwardness of its

Hey now, us art and design school kids do it too. Most of us took entire classes on color, and were graded on how accurately you could paint a color wheel using only red, blue and green. I still have nightmares about this.

Thank you for the intel! This workday can not go quick enough.

I do that every few years with Shonda Rhimes shows and Buffy. It feels like a walk down memory lane. And I can justify being a workaholic because I can work on the couch the whole time while still feeling nostalgic.

And the seasons are the PERFECT length for it too!

Yes, Netflix does this with all new releases. They are essentially inviting you to not leave your couch for extending periods of time and schedule your life appropriately.

Glad to be of service! (I may or not may not have had this on my calendar. I also used to make fun of my co-worker for doing things precisely like this too, but I don't particularly care for her either.)

I do not understand why streaming release dates and the viewability of certain little clips from NBC, etc. is so different for Canada. It's exceedingly dumb. And therefore I'm very sorry to have raised your hopes.

I fully anticipate binging the entire thing on Friday evening. No shame.

New season on Netflix in 2 days! :)

Hell to the yes!!!!