I think a lot of those commenters never bothered to ask themselves if removing the kids from a home is truly the only option we should be allowed.
I think a lot of those commenters never bothered to ask themselves if removing the kids from a home is truly the only option we should be allowed.
It really says something about our society where the Satanists are the good people.
I maintain that the fact that Anthony Weiner is still alive to go to prison proves that Hillary Clinton is not the murderer the Pizzagate crazies make her out to be, because if she had cause to murder anyone ever it was Anthony Fucking Weiner.
I miss the Gwyneth Paltrow who was just an actress, palling around with Winona Ryder, dating Ben Affleck then marrying Chris Martin, scrounging around in her off hours in comfy clothes and no makeup, and not telling the rest of us how to live. This holier than thou, try-hard, who-me-perfect? Gwyneth is exhausting.
I think he definitely has it. I wasn’t really alive or cognizant for his career (just a wee child during the Bronco chase). But to look back at his life? I just know his brain is swiss motherfucking cheese.
The founder of CTE, Dr. Omalu, bet his career that OJ will be found to have it. Likely severe CTE.
Lol. Have you ever been at the Kohl’s customer service counter? It is a level of hell that defies description.
The should go down in flames solely for the dogshit they call food.
... There exists a real live actual female human being named Jedediah?
Especially since the Obamas always radiate a genuine warmth for each other. This family loves the shit out of each other, and they came together (and stay together) because of that love. 45 and his family reek of convenience and of absent parenting.
Iggy Azalea doesn’t seem to bad all of a sudden.
This girl is still a thing?
I kept seeing those pictures on my Insta feed and I thought it was Angelyne. If she downsized the boobs, lasered the tattoo and got a better wig/weave in brunette, she’d be attractive. But until then, the only sympathy I feel is that she’s clearly projecting her self hatred on other women she destroys.
—any posts that are overtly political or otherwise inappropriate are deleted, just in case.
So... like Animal House, but with snot-nosed, plastic, upper class twits instead? Got it.
I can’t help but feel like this is glossing over the reality that there are vastly different audiences and what the Billboard Top 100 factors into their rankings means TSwift is going to be on top not because she is white, but because she has a larger audience. Sorry, it isn’t some proxy battle or anything.
You know that that (mis)quote had nothing to do with whether she had read the bill, right? She was saying that once the bill was passed the American people could find out what it did instead of relying on what she felt were inaccurate reports about what it did.
You know that all congressmember do not read the legislation. Not Pelosi, not Bernie Sanders, and if they say they do they are lying. That’s why they have specialized staff, to read and summarize the bill for them.
I had that song on repeat for a long-ass time after the first time I heard it. I love it.