Thank you SO much for the pointers. I'm definitely going to experiment over the weekend.
Thank you SO much for the pointers. I'm definitely going to experiment over the weekend.
Can I ask any pointers on curly-hair friendly updoes? I also refuse to straighten my hair to attain a professional standard, but instead end up relying on a my trusty plastic clip all too often. So I would welcome any advice!
I can't tell you how many days I skipped around the house singing the theme song to The Babysitters Club.
Down with Capri Sun. ECTO-COOLER FOREVER!
If you are ever really desperate and/or looking for a way to use up your icy pops, icy pops blended with rum are not too shabby. The things you discover when you're too drunk to go buy more mixers, but not drunk enough to stop drinking...
That was what I deduced as well. Definitely looks like his eyes.
One more season of The Killing?!? YESSSSSS!
And Kesha, I just adore you.
I happen to be super intolerant of all things real maple, so fake maple syrup is a godsend to me.
The Sultan's Market?
I can see that usage too, graceful intestines!
Lol, I've always loved Anne Taintor, guilty as charged.
I worked at an animal shelter for a little under a year. It was not a great experience. It was not that they mistreated the animals, nothing of the sort. What I took issue with was how they treated PEOPLE - potential adoptors, volunteers, donors... After some time, I came to realize the org's reputation in the…
Hold up, I always used the "handled her pregnancy gracefully" line to describe women who didn't make me want to sing the Pregnant Women Are Smug song. I've been doing it all wrong.
A friend and former co-worker of mine actually did an entire performance piece about how awful James Franco is: It was pretty hysterical.
I know it's pretty unique to that program, and the emphasis on both mind and body, so to speak, was in large part the reason I selected that particular hospital.
I'm not sure of any rock solid evidence but I can offer anecdotal knowledge. I'm in a medical weight loss program myself, but have to attend many of the same seminars and meetings that the bariatric surgical patients do. Depression is often mentioned as a likely "side effect" of the surgery. The surgical patients…
Aww, Dodai's boyfriend was really quite good during the SB halftime show. Could have done with out the Red Hot Chili Peppers though.
My crush used to be Ira, but now it's Ari Shapiro.
I used to house/cat-sit for someone who is now kind of famous-ish, and s/he left a contact list for a production on the coffee table. Of course, I couldn't resist picking it up to gawk at the contact info of other famous-ish people.... They all just had like the rest of us shmoes. It was kind of a…