I've heard it applied to men pretty frequently, but I used to work with actors...
I've heard it applied to men pretty frequently, but I used to work with actors...
"I just met Miranda Priestly!" —- THAT is why I like Jennifer Lawrence so much.
Beautiful. Just beautiful!
Well the majority of them don't get fame and fortune for being utter morons.
I don't care if she has clothes on or not, I'm so damn tired of her and her general uninterestingness. Aside from the Chris Brown business, she sings in a pretty middling way with zero emotion, she dances on tables when she's out and comes off as that girl who needs the attention really bad, and she considers herself…
oh. god. yes.
You know who I feel like manages to escape the Old Maid label? Cameron Diaz. She's not my favorite or anything, but she seems to also be a serial monogamist who enjoys herself. Maybe she just doesn't receive the Aniston-like levels of faux pity from the gossip mags.
There are lots of things stuck in my eyes now.
That sounds like my kind of combination! Thanks for the pointers.
Reading this headline quickly, I was sure this Ron/Tammy combination was a fun Parks & Rec story.
On top of that - What kind of ASSHAT takes up OTHER PEOPLE'S TIME to remark upon that in the grocery line? THAT is the epitome of inconsiderate jackassery, not falling on hard times. GAH!
Precisely. Doesn't every dad call their daughter beautiful? It's what dads do.
Good deal. Thank you for the info!
When I read this last night on Gawker, I was actually pretty proud of my "Slut Vote" and that it irritates some people so damn much. :)
Question - is the plus size stuff at JCPenney of a decent quality? I haven't shopped there in years, but I'm always looking for places where I can actually buy clothes.
I think your snobby opinions are what are "unflattering" and "uncreative" in this instance.
Whoa, Roy Cohn, huh? That screws with me head more than a little.
Indeed, you're correct. I guess "pleasantly divisible" is a more accurate descriptor.