Another blue state, good deal!
Guam sounds fun. I like it.
The OCD side of me doesn't like this. Not because Puerto Rico should/shouldn't be a state, but 51 is a prime number and it rubs me the wrong way. Can we add another and take it to 52 just for the sake of it?
No need to worry about magic undies!
Flag Head lady drove me bonkers!!
Everyone at the Romney shindig was white AND rich. Whatevs, based on demographics alone, the Obama party looks 10x more fun.
Most definitely.
Ooh, that's a good idea. My anxiety levels are already far too high to watch everything come in all night.
I've often wished Coach Taylor would follow me around in life to yell at me as needed; it would do wonders.
Amen to that.
Oh, I DO remember that. It seems very much in the same vein of crazy.
I had the cupcakes because I was depressed and needed a pick-me-up, Fiddy! Gosh, lay off!
I might have a "Leave Britney Alone" moment if Star keeps talking shit about Amy Poehler.
Replying to agree and push your comment up in the order of things.
I completely agree; I always enjoy a good new spin on an old tale.
I guess her character reminds me of people from my former, more artistic life that I'd care not to remember. So you're pretty accurate here. I can't say I've ever encountered a Shoshanna either.
Hmm. Of all of the Girls girls, I enjoy her the least. Not sure why either.
See, I'd rather have Jerry than Tom. All that open-mouthed grinning.
Ooh, I have the pathological grooming trifecta: Nail biting, skin picking AND hair plucking. I've noticed that one tends to become dominant while others recede. Lately my skin picking has been terrible, while my hair pulling is at a medium level, all because I tried to stop biting my nails. But it turns out that…