Domestically Disabled

Oh god, me too. I couldn't stop looking at it.

I totally get the Dennehy thing.

Ok, the sad thing is that there's always going to be some woman (like me) who reads the description of this book and is suddenly and completely freaked out that she is doing everything wrong in the pursuit of weight loss. I read a write-up of this book a few weeks ago (can't recall where) and looked it up on Amazon.

I have to agree with Ms. Bell. I had a whole plate of watermelon for dinner this evening, nothing else, and it was glorious.

Thank you for your kind words; I appreciate it. I'm terribly sorry about your friend.


I straight up guffawed at the 50 Cent comment. Kim K is such an easy target, but it's still pretty snidely witty. Plus I always hear Emma Stone in Easy A saying, "Oooooh, BUURRRNN!" after zingers like that.

Meh, I just straight up tell people I don't like babies because they're not all that interesting. I totally dig teacup humans who can walk, talk, etc., but until then I don't think they're all that fun. I totally agree you end up with "villainous breed" classification, and that's an awesome way to phrase it.

I had already read this post at work today, and then stopped by my father's house on the way home. My father first called me fat around the age of 10 or 11, and believe me, I took it to heart. Today, at 28, I'm very, very overweight. My father, probably thinking he was doing me a kindness, offered me $10,000 if I

It's super sad that this seems to be the story of all our our lives on this thread. I'd give anything to go bad and talk myself out of "giving up" when I was 12 because I'd never be skinny like my friends so I may as well be very overweight. It's miserable that we all live with this amount of regret.

I agree that the idea of RPatz paling around with John Stamos and Bob Saget is officially the best part of this whole shebang.

This was the one I was hoping to see, and I saw through the video in the post wondering where Simon Pegg was... Thank you!

Inded, a NSFW tag would be much, much appreciated!

It's probably because I'm enjoying the benefits of painkillers (for totally legit reasons) right now, but I thought it said they SWING and not SING. And that, my friends, would add a super interesting layer to the whole kit and kaboodle.

Omega Essence sounds like a good name for a vitamin brand.

I'm jealous of Rosario Dawson; I've been nursing a massive Danny Boyle crush lately.

Lindy, I've really, truly come to love your Dirt Bags.

I agree. It was interesting when I watched Melancholia with my friends. Some of them were completely unable to understand, but myself and another friend just sadly nodded and said "Yep, that's what it's like." Plus it was just such a gorgeous movie, top to bottom.

That one is called Melancholia.

I just think about how once you have a child, you never stop being a parent, for the rest of your life. That's enormous. I suppose it's all relative - I can't commit to a new entertainment center to save my soul right now, let alone creating a person.