Oh, Kanye, honey... No one respects the LA Times anymore. Don't even sweat it.
Oh, Kanye, honey... No one respects the LA Times anymore. Don't even sweat it.
Wow, so that explains why my lungs and eyes hurt for a good day after getting this done. geese... My eyes could not stop tearing up during the process, tears were literally just running down my face. It was a lot more tortorous than the plain-old straightening treatments I had previously.
@daisyhalfwit: Yes, that's most likely what she's getting.
Wait, I'm confused, is Kathie Lee the doughnut?
@RiotGrrrl: Liz Lemon: I can wear my work clothes, gym shoes, and eat cheetos all night long. Laziness at its pinnacle.
I should like to win the lottery so I can purchase the sorely neglected but full-of-potential two-flat that I currently occupy. Well, I occupy the first floor.
@KLondike5: You nailed the narcissism head on.
The tiger looks like a bit of a creeper, no?
@moosesanddeers: Thank you ladies, you've sold me on the concept of a Twitter account on which I can follow witty rappers and comedians. And their dogs and translators.
@GodOfBiscuits: I wonder if he uses two separate devices on each profile, or if he actually takes the time to sign in and out to have the dialogues. And I think I'd go with pricelessly insane.
I initially misread the headline and thought that actually featured an amputee (instead of a Photoshop victim) in the ad, and had an awesome momentary celebration. But then my brain caught up. Boo.
Anyone else feel like Bieber was taking his life in his hands with that little gem of a quote? The Worldwide Bieber Brigade may mutiny, Justin.
Kanye, I am like thiiiissss close to getting myself a Twitter account to follow you. And only you.
Why are you sad Alicia? You're wearing what could possibly be the best shoes ever.
Wow. These prisoners had a way more exciting day than I did yesterday.
I'll say it again, I'm loving New Kayne. Way better than New Coke.
@eri401: He basically just stopped refusing to do episodes that had content he disliked for various, not totally unjustified reasons (scenes he thought were racist, etc.) But it did have a lot to do with being a sudden teen heartthrob as well.
I thought Snooki announced she was too mature to be rocking the pouf anymore...