This list encompasses the majority of my favorite books ever. Thank you for making me feel some kinship, Jezzie staff.
This list encompasses the majority of my favorite books ever. Thank you for making me feel some kinship, Jezzie staff.
@BuffySummers: I can see his... iPhone. Eeep.
Heather Locklear is the only one of the bunch who looks like she realizes the gravity of her situation.
@Zulkey: I didn't notice that omission until you pointed it out, and it's awesome! She is undoubtedly the coolest things to come out of Markham, EVER.
@sissylarue: I couldn't help thinking "His eyes? Not his voice?"
For some reason (I'm betting lack of caffeine), I thought this was Janice Dickinson in the thumbnail. And no offense Jezebel, but that would have been waaaayy funnier.
@Squabble: That makes my blood boil to this day. Not that I ever really enjoyed Metallica, but still!
The July issue of Spin is next to me right now. On the cover, Haley Williams (lead singer of Paramore) is quoted - "Sexy doesn't have to be a tan blonde girl showing off her goodies." Food for thought.
Neither do I, Billy, neither do I.
Head Over Heels. If it's on basic cable, I am obligated to watch it. Screwiest and most inconceivable plot ever, but it's chock full of hi-jinks, and it makes fun of itself in the process.
Hey, I give the guy props for being addicted to his Crackberry. He can't be that much of a techno-moron.
Way to sloppily backtrack, Munn. It seems that Lady Power has a problem with you, my dear.
Anyone else wondering what her arm and hair are covering up on the shirt? The belly button has me intrigued about the rest of the design. But, you know, not in a pervy way, just a curious way.
wow, Olivia Munn, you're just soooooo profound.
What about women with high IQs? Are they more likely to go after with men with little to no earning potential? Because that's my problem in life and love...
@PintoBeans: This always struck me as the oddest music video cast ever.
@Sputnik_Sweetheart: Yep, he was acquitted about 2 years ago now.
@Lemon: Me too. I actually cried. And felt weird about it.