Domestically Disabled

She has such dainty fingers!

Oh yeah, because Hannity merited an apology.

Was the Coen Bros. class at Columbia College Chicago? Because I could swear I saw it when surfing around the course catalog the other day.

Sex And The City 2 is number one in France and Australia and the no. 1 flick on the international market. Le sigh.

Attempting not to choke on my own vomit.

Wow, the sadsack DC Scrap sure has a thing against smart women. Considering the quality of his writing, however, that's probably unsurprising at best.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Michael Cera battles Mae Whitman. It's like alternate universe George-Michael vs. Ann.

I dunno... my supervisor at work has PMDD. It might be convenient to have a reminder as to when I should tread lightly.

I'm going to have to remember this the next time I perform an amazing stunt of klutziness. "At least I didn't fall on my ass in front of the President."

Will Arnett AND Simon Pegg??? Be still my heart.

I feel like this is a chicken/egg dilemma...

"Dude illness" is most commonly caused by a combination of bowling lane wax, wearing flip flops, and excessive White Russian consumption.

The Win A Date With Bill raffle is delightfully tongue-in-cheek! Also, speaking as a fundraising professional, it's a pretty good idea to raise some dough for a long-over campaign.

Is anyone else a bit bothered that they decapitated Cristen Barker (Nigel's wife)?

Supergirl - Saving Jane

I don't understand such pride in having LOST.

oh Simon Pegg. How I do adore thee.

@PorkStore: #2: Totally. Do you stop mid-tear and say aloud "This is ridiculous!" also?

How? Do? People? Walk? In? These? Shoes? I just don't get it.