I was just hoping they’d label each guy “Skinny”, “Fat” or “Medium”.
I was just hoping they’d label each guy “Skinny”, “Fat” or “Medium”.
He’s the buyer. The seller is his lawyer who put up the $130 grand for the porn star and never expected repayment.
It can be a friend, not necessarily family. My money is on the seller being The Donald.
Yes, when “basketball” is a stand-in for “you are black and therefore you should not be playing hockey.” It’s clearly intended to reference a racial stereotype, and deploying it to taunt and unsettle a black man makes it obviously racist as hell.
Are you kidding?
Because the NRA doesn’t represent gun owners as much as they represent gun manufacturers.
Imagine if you showed up to your first job out of college and found your dad there yelling at your new manager telling him he sucked.
I haven’t seen evidence that the ball hot the ground. (The kind of indisputable evidence required to overturn a call.)
I actually wish they did this more. By having NFL spell out the reasoning for their decisions, it makes it easier to actually discuss and debate the merits of the decision.
Nope, he was walking off when someone threw something at him and that is when he deviated from leaving the field.
Sorry, overly hyperbolic there. But take enough hits to the head like that, and you may well end up with CTE.
Honestly.. you have to spenda few thousand dollars to get the same image as a good ole plasma.. incredible
Honestly.. you have to spenda few thousand dollars to get the same image as a good ole plasma.. incredible
Uh, was he wrong on either count? Nope. Fuck off, Pop’s still a genius.
but this kneeling is only slightly related to the original kneeling. There was kneeling about police brutality, then about doing it to prove it could be done, and now it’s becoming a way to protest an idiot owner. We’re creeping closer and closer to the kneeling-cause-of-the-week.
Aquan Boldin is also not on a team.
“We can’t have the inmates running the prison,” McNair said.
You’re burying the lede here.
My childhood best friend only drinks Budweiser and I am not a fan, however, when he tosses me one I gladly drink it because it’s about him and his company.
As a Warriors fan who isn’t a tech-bro I kindly say fuck you. At least LeBron stands up for something instead of a Food Truck line for overpriced and mediocre cuisine. Gentrify Alabama please.
Never buy something you cant afford. Never use your debt card to make a purchase, but rather always use a credit card (preferably one with rewards). Pay off the entire balance every month.