“Joe Biden has been making these kinds of gaffes for 40 years because he is a white man in America.“
“Joe Biden has been making these kinds of gaffes for 40 years because he is a white man in America.“
Yes. People loved it when you went bankrupt because you ended up in the ER, or when you had to take on decades of debt just to get a college education.
Do we really want a left wing trump?
After a teenager pointed out that part of Feinstein’s duties were listening to her constituents, Feinstein asked how old she was. “I’m 16, I can’t vote,” she said.
He believes the bit about the smugglers and the duct tape because he believes it, and because he believes it now he will never stop believing it.
Compare Romo’s observations to Troy Aikman’s and it’s just night and day.
[reads “40 Game Suspension”]
Take an adderall and sit for 80 games, but beat the shit out of and torment your wife and you only get 40.
Don’t tape me bro!
I hear Kaepernick is available
Well, considering that some cereals have zero, why would you want weed killer in your cereal? Some things you can’ avoid like radiation from flying but why would you eat grains from the lowest end supply chain? Aren’t you worth a $1 more? It’s your money and your body so it’s totally your choice - but it should be…
Funny how kneeling during the anthem disrespects the vets, but denying them health benefits is A-OK.
I really love when businesses make it super easy for me to never give them my money.
Hard to say. I know we talked about him going to the Raiders. I want to say I mentioned how the moon at Lambeau was funny (I come from a big mooning family), but I think that’s just 10+ years post hoc romanticization.
Terrible crashes, riders getting slapped by fans, and now riders getting tear gassed?! Well, I think I may become a fan just yet
Or, you could just, you know, get a membership.
When it comes to toddler hacks, this one has all the winning components. 1) You probably have the materials. 2) YOU…
2018: there is no hope and all is lost. seeking refuge, everyone outside the Bay Area launch from earth in search of earth 2. they don’t know if it’s out there, but by god, they stand a better chance in deep space.
Their grit was off the charts while overcoming the Iguodala injury. To win with only 4 allstars instead of 5 is unheard of