You fool. Biden is no progressive, which is why you don’t see him on progressive shows. Open your eyes.
You fool. Biden is no progressive, which is why you don’t see him on progressive shows. Open your eyes.
Yo bad. Voting for this guy makes you a sucker
Jay Dee, greatest beat maker ever period.
Fuck that guy and his YouTube commentary. You know I’m a progressive lefty and when I’m in the presence of someone I totally disagree with but they are an elder veteran I still provide the necessary respect and I don’t try to pick a fight with them, even if they are provoking me. These kids are dipshits.
I’m digging the short shorts. Looks like showtime era.
That’s cool. What’d you guys talk about?
I got in at $20, but only bought five shares. Hahaha!
If the races were reveresed and the player was black, would the Brewers fans respond the same way?
I would LOVE to hear what the Kap haters think about Harper breaking flag code and his desecration of the US flag with this costume. Pleeeeease someone who loves America and has a blue lives matter sticker on the back of their pickup truck respond. Thanks!
How are Miatas doing? I’m still waiting for my 99 to be a collectible
Love these unis and mostly because all of the current alternate uniforms that teams come up with are so ugly and “safe”. These uniforms at least take a chance with design and are bold. Dig em!
Sadly, in 20 years this will be some sort of national holiday where the president makes a speech
Sadly, in 20 years this will be some sort of national holiday where the president makes a speech
Of course, but there were missed calls on the other side as well. One must accept that calls will go both ways at some point. Wasting energy on the refs is not worth it.
Y’all are making it more complicated than it needs to be. Let Harden go for 60 and stop the rest of the Rockets and the Warriors will still sweep.
Fucking micro plastics are bumming me out
This show is underrated. I love it
Hope El-P finds a new partner
I’ve been a dubs fan since 1985 and think Zaza is trash