F150 Turbo

Here, take a star. 

Nooo! Ducatis then would start spontaneously combusting and still you would have to suck up to them to be able to buy their motorcycles. 

Ducati is technically under Lamborghini, but it would have made more sense if it was under Porsche. 

All hail the Hilux!

Tesla vs. fake news,

There! It’d get more respect for the absurdity of it if it was made to resemble a Volvo, or Camry. 

Oh, the things you might’ve seen! You’re a hero, sir/madam. 


A star for you, sir.

Or, Gen Y will drive the CUVs anyway, but “ironically”. 


That brings the expression “going postal” to a whole new level!

Can it be the first car to be featured in “Meh Car Monday” before being released, please?

Holy crap!  Atomizing a gallon of gas in less than 30 seconds. And the sheer volume of air been breathed for said gallon of gas!

Yeah, thanks a lot to also remind me how I’m cheap: $250 for much better rear shocks to replace the pogo sticks that came in my truck? Oh, the horror!

I’m all for I6 everything!

Drive my 3.5EB efficiently (not racing from light to light, for example) but don’t not baby it, and it’s 15-20% off EPA, but my guess is that the EPA is way conservative on how traffic actually accelerates and flows. It seems to mimic how you accelerate a car with a 100hp or less (or 53, like my 1050cc FIAT 127 many

You want crumple zones, our entire truck is a crumple zone!”

Holy crap!

Ouch! And I’m sure they had to buy another dummy, that one was toast.