
That’s where I landed. *IF* you like the mods, I guess it’s not a terrible price compared to new. But who can afford this and not a new one spec’d exactly how they want it?

Craigslist to sell a $100k+ car???


As a lib, I feel so owned after seeing this video.

I mean, I’d love to ogle over one at a car show, or have a friend who owns one so that I can watch it pull out of the driveway for Sunday drives and nod my head in appreciation. But I’m not putting my family in a car without airbags or antilock brakes. Have you seen how other people drive? 

Honest question here, no wrong answers-as a boomer who grew up when these beasts were all over the road, who didn’t really think much of them at the time and even less of them now-do you, the younger enthusiasts who follow in our footsteps find these road whales attractive? Should we have kept more in the barn under

I’m fine with their prices. This is the stupid tax. There is gas literally 40 miles from here for half the cost and if you don’t plan ahead, you pay the stupid tax. More power to them. 

Okay, now we really need to send an A-10 to Ukraine just to see how the Cybertruck holds up to a GAU-8 firing DPU rounds at it, for science of course.

Yeah, it’s really hard to tolerate complaints from bro-dozer truck owners about gas prices. 

It is 164 mi between Barstow and Lake Havasu City on 40, if your vehicle is that thirsty, make sure to hit the gas stations in those cities before continuing on your journey.

This is the last BMW front end I have liked.

This makes sense, but your vote is really ND then. I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume you’ll just drop 25% off their asking price, (even if that’s a legitimate response)

Hey, we’re still complaining that NA Miatas are too expensive. Who’s saying we’ll be able to afford new performance cars when they’re only 30 years old?

Someone should have added this to the list of “Red flags in car ads” from the other day - “chevy 350 engine!” or “swapped with SBC!”

I just went to the original Reddit post, and my take here was far less critical than most of the ones there.

I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again. There should be exactly one criterion for graduating high school and being deemed a legal adult. And that criterion is demonstrating an understanding of how interest rates work. People can Google everything else as needed.

Bingo. Health care, insurance, “long-term care” etc. It’s all designed to hoover up the money of middle and working class people, usually when they’re at a low point. Miss one payment, miss paying a fine, miss some time from work because you couldn’t work, things can go downhill really really fast, even if you think

It’s not just dealerships. There are entire industries whose basic business model is preying on people who lack sufficient financial literacy.

I’ve spent a lot of time learning about personal finance and I’m naturally very frugal. That said, I’m less inclined than I used to be about financial-shaming people. The deck is usually stacked, there’s a power imbalance, and a car purchase is usually not a discretionary luxury purchase for most people. This comment