
Hmm... no license plate, overly wordy CL ad... really looks like a dealer attempting to sell something off lot. I’m a ND just for that. That’s probably also why the seller doesn’t seem to understand where the car was built. Though I’d guess we’d see a bunch of “’Merica F’Yeah!!” all over the ad if they knew it was

I’ve had the same rant for a while now - education, industry and wages are all linked at a macro level, and being all protectionist not only hurts American pocketbooks in the short term with increasing prices, but long term by choosing to protect the lower wage industry instead of working to keep domestic wages higher

A couple of things...

With recent news.... maybe just a rebranded Passport?

A National Service draft for EVERYONE

There are no brake or tire compounds that will account for vehicles that are 1000's of pounds heavier now than they were when the current limits were put in place.

That shouldn’t be a Tesla post - there’s no shortage of body shops out there that will quote a panel replacement when a dent pull will work just fine.

Umm.. No.

I don’t do these Questions of the Day for the clicks, and I certainly don’t do them because I love making slideshows. I do them for you, dear reader.

large pickup truck sales, long a highly profitable corner of the market for the Detroit car companies, slid 1.9%

I was following a Honda the other day and just naturally assumed it was an Accord. Sitting at a traffic light I realized it was actually a Civic.

We’re at the point where restrictions in air travel are more than 20 years old. Doesn’t matter. It won’t stop. Even last week when I was getting on an airplane everyone was held up by a couple that discovered all the things they needed to do to clear security one-by-one.

Tercel would be a good choice.

I look at these and always think “Parisienne” not “Cadillac”. Good job GM! Pair the every-GM look with the .. ahem... “quality” of GM cars of the era, and I don’t think there’s a price where I’d be interested. This might even be an important car in GM’s history, but I simply don’t care. ND.

That’s getting somewhere.

If You’ve Got A Spare $20 Million

This is a great comment - I always chuckle when I see posts fearing that Musk has security clearance. It’s not like the movies - security clearance doesn’t automatically give you keys to the nukes.

If that’s it, I’ll be happy for that exhibit.

Automatics are really quite good, and manual only sports cars are penalizing those (like me) who will never buy a manual car.

The part I didn’t realize fully until recently was that speed limits are absolutely a physics problem.