If You’ve Got A Spare $20 Million
If You’ve Got A Spare $20 Million
This is a great comment - I always chuckle when I see posts fearing that Musk has security clearance. It’s not like the movies - security clearance doesn’t automatically give you keys to the nukes.
If that’s it, I’ll be happy for that exhibit.
Automatics are really quite good, and manual only sports cars are penalizing those (like me) who will never buy a manual car.
The part I didn’t realize fully until recently was that speed limits are absolutely a physics problem.
There’s no chance in H-E-double-hockey-sticks that I pay $30k for a 20 year old Bentley. ND.
Add this to the list of cars I love. Price isn’t bad either. I’d be a buyer. NP. It’s an old car. It’ll need work. That’s not a reason to avoid…unless your $20k budget is for a daily driver. Then don’t buy this.
Maybe... I like where you’re going, but I think it would have to be paired with education. Make the wages higher (do the same for teachers while we’re at it), but make entrance harder.
Another opportunity to revisit NJB’s video on how bad autonomous cars could be for cities. There’s a lot of guessing in his video... but real life is pointing in the right direction.
IIRC, all of the rogue floor mat issues were with aftermarket mats.
If it’s the cost of a V8 conversion, then it’s a deal. That’s way more than $7k, but still common. This would just give one more option for an NA with a shot motor.
The price is honestly not bad. No idea what everybody saying it should be cheaper are thinking. There aren’t a lot of wagons out there... you can get rough sedans and coupes for a bit less money, but not that much less. If I thought there was a supply of wagons out there in better condition for less money, I’d…
Since I’m Canadian, I probably would have said something like:
I was honestly going to suggest the Tesla app. I’m going to get rid of the Tesla, and replace it with a different EV, so an app that will “melt all the snow off the car from the comfort of my couch” will be in the top 5 features I’ll need in the next one.
Smart tech can only override so much stupid behind the wheel.
Fully depends on where you do your driving. If it’s truly a winter climate, the best all-seasons aren’t good enough. That metre between average winters / great all-seasons and a really good winter tire is the difference between stopping and a rear end collision.
This is absolutely driver error.
Blame first, sort it out later gets more clicks.
It’s been misunderstood nearly as long as it’s been around. They don’t take off, and even though autoland is a thing, pilots land most flights. It’s better to think of autopilot as a control system that’s manipulated by pilots to make it easier to fly, and in case of low viz conditions, perhaps a bit safer to land…