
My favorite part of GTA 4 was the car and soft body physics. There was nothing like driving around and worrying that a bad hit would crumple your fender into your front wheels, making it impossible to steer. GTA 5 cars have unibodies made of Mithril by comparison.

I would call this a savage burn by Emma.

And she has it! Coming soon to Netflix!

So, wait, if you make provably false allegations you should resign? Those are wise words to live by, Cadet Bone Spurs. Start with the Central Park Five, Obama’s birth certificate and those great investigators that you sent to Hawai’i, and move on down the list.

This can’t possibly be true, as Blue has Meowth, the cat pokémon, and cats make everything worth more.

I’ll be starting an internet petition to request your removal from the Kotaku staff for this obvious display of ignorance, sir.

Now you’ve gone and done it.

Jesus. It took 10 paragraphs to say “I don’t like the Switch Eshop”. No suggestion on how to do it better no thoughtful comparisions to other eshops that do certain aspects better than others. Just a flat out, I don’t like it... please change. On the bright side Patricia will make a hell of an executive one day.

They do (now). The USB-C chargers that come with some (all?) MacBooks today all have removable USB-C cables.

Whenever I look at his Twitter avi I see Brutus from Rome.

“I learned two forms of martial arts and I learned [what] not to do.”

So he spoke about himself in the third person?! That is simultaneously creepy and not at all surprising.

Yeah... that line came off a bit condescending towards board gamers.


I miss Iwata.

Nintendo is being great right now, keep up the awesome work!!!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE. Stay in the fucking Hamptons Lauer.

Yes. Also, thanks for that link to an incredibly loud autoplay video to get to the actual photo. Nice going.

Now, see, I just went with blaming Barsanti.