I just signed the petition as Humperdoo Christ. Not sure anyone will ever see the name to get the reference, but it still made me happy.
I just signed the petition as Humperdoo Christ. Not sure anyone will ever see the name to get the reference, but it still made me happy.
Those cases were so brittle, though! They cracked if you even looked at them too hard.
Nobody better bitch about Humperdoo on my watch!
2018 and 2020, people. Protesting won’t win this. Voting will.
Limited run games actually just did a reprint of Night Trap and the Collector’s Edition comes in one of those oversized boxes. It was a nice touch.
Just to see a more compassionate leader, I’m guessing.
Thanks for spending time with us, Tekton! =)
Maybe you should have a protest march about it, or create some signs that say ‘Not my Deathgaze’, or something.
*Wakes up......Reads story.....Grabs a fifth of Jack Daniels and goes back to bed.
I do wonder if the Trump administration realises that being shitty to foreigners has an impact on tourism and business.
Of course, he paints realistic acrylic still-life portraits of snacks in four minutes.
My song of the day. Abbey Road version is fucking amazing.
If they’re stealing jobs, then you never were a good applicant to be qualified. How’s that white entitlement?
It’s always nice when the fools open their mouths and remove all doubt when it comes to their cruel, petty, disgusting lack of empathy.
How great would it be if the first letter of each paragraph spelled out F-U-C-K-Y-O-U?
Quick, let’s have a guess what Trump’s letter is going to say to his successor (assuming he has one and doesn’t crown himself overlord).
Does Trump think Obama did this specially for him or does he know it’s a tradition that every president does?
They voted for Trump, so their inability to grasp irony should have already been obvious.
Because only white people are retarded enough to think professional wrestling is cool.
Wait, you forgot to read Reason No. 17. It will blow your mind!