
Yeah, I really have to say that thing’s battery life is absoludicrous. In the time I had to charge it, I had to charge my Dualshock SEVEN TIMES.

If nothing else, the Trump presidency is a boon for therapists all over the country.

And Michael Harriot is the worst kind of black man.

So since you made that post, I actually got a Pro for myself. And I have to say, I strongly disagree: It’s better than the Elite.

I actually bought it since I made that post, and while I still think it’s somewhat overpriced....I have to say I strongly disagree with Plunkett’s assessment.

It’s some bullshit where people talk quietly and it’s supposed to relax or something?

This is the sort of elephant shit clickbait I’ve come to expect from Michael Harriot.

Isn’t it more accurate to say this is a case of people hating on a guy just because he’s rich?

Him, Tom McKay, and Michael Harriot are the fucking cancers of the entire network. They either hate on individuals, or hate on groups of people. Whichever it is, it’s the same shit: They just write hate articles.

Sweet summer child.

Except this place constantly shits on and touts the evils of Amazon while relying on it for almost all financial support.

“Gizmodo media group may get a commission.”

Which reminds me:

As a psychologist...I can tell you that hybristophilia is elephant shit.

Well, he’ll get his breathing room after Solo since we won’t be having anything until December 2019.

You know what would be genuinely awesome? If at least half of the reporters in the white house press corp were black.

Yeah, but that same revelation was basically a giant fuck you to young people all around the nation.


I’m actually starting to think that. To make matters better, Trump’s stupidity and their silent complicity is pretty much dashing any chances of a GOP administration after this for a long, loooooong time. All a democratic nominee will have to say is “He’s just another Trump” to lock a vote.