
He’s got an adorable rabbit?

“Barack rhymes with Iraq.”

:< Can we not?

Christian Slater with a hint of Guy Pearce.

Not Major Garrett! No no no, he’s gonna speak the TRUTH! He’s gonna CHALLENGE THEIR BULLSHIT.

Shouldn’t the header image be a picture of, you know, Avenatti? And not some random Day of the Dead parade mask?

Tick fucking tock, went the clock. These assholes’ days are literally numbered (225 days as of this post), and they know normal Americans won’t be putting up with their shit so they’re helplessly trying to rally the racists, sexist dipshits in the hopes the numbers will even out.

I won’t lie. It IS easy, and just about every workplace nowadays has mandatory CPR training. Which brings me to my next point as to why Santorum’s “plan” is dipshittery of the lower order:

1-She took a polygraph going through all these points earlier and passed completely.

Yeah, but your average American doesn’t show shit about federal debts, programs, healthcare, or what to make any of it. That’s all stuff that can be easily manipulated through various media outlets with their own agendas.

Just ones released by Aniplex USA. Funimation, Viz, Sentai are all infinitely more reasonable.

When your internet provider is Spectrum, streaming is like flipping a coin. Many, many, many times throughout a single stream.

It’s not really on the bubble. It’s all but guaranteed that the show is going this year.

Can’t wait for Aniplex to charge $300 for a 12-episode set.

I very much agree. One side is right, the other is wrong, but both need to be heard if there is any actual justice in our system.

The Root is also a racist, anti-white propaganda machine that is the black equivalent of Breitbart.

Cold, dank heart = melted.

Like that gosh darned “rock n roll!”

Step 1: Don’t be Charles Pulliam Moore.
Step 2: Read this article.

Michael Harriot literally promotes racism himself. And you expect people in here to lighten up lol?